Implementation Support and International Team

How can the international team help you to implement NFP in your country?

Dr. Olds and his staff at the Prevention Research Center have developed a model for adapting and testing the Nurse-Family Partnership program in international contexts that is grounded in the same rigorous research standards that serve as a foundation for the U.S. program. In general, an international implementation effort has five phases:

Phase One: Adaption. Examine the adaptations needed to deliver the NFP program in local contexts while ensuring fidelity to the NFP model.

Phase Two: Feasibility and Acceptability through Pilot Testing and Evaluation. Conduct a pilot test of the adapted NFP program to inform what additional adaptations may be needed to ensure the feasibility and acceptability of the adapted NFP program.

Phase Three: Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). Consider expansion of the testing and evaluation work by conducting a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT).

Phase Four: Continued Refinement and Expansion. Once the evaluation of the RCT has been completed and the outcomes found to be of public health significance, the implementing agency may decide to further refine and expand the adapted NFP Program in their society.

Phase Five: Full Service Integration. When the program has expanded widely within a country over a number of years, and the program has been fully established and integrated into the local health and care systems in a sustainable way, the country may progress to phase 5. In this phase, it is expected that there is Governmental support, mature national NFP leadership, and an established, data-led quality improvement process to support the program.

A small team of NFP International Consultants support the introduction, testing, researching and expansion of the NFP program within the many different countries implementing the program.  In addition to specific work with individual countries, the NFP International Consultants work collaboratively with the whole International NFP community to ensure that experience and expertise is shared between countries for the benefit of all, and that new developments are integrated within each country. The International Consultants work with Professor David Olds as part of the University of Colorado, Denver, and all have long standing in depth experience and understanding of the program clinical model and implementation requirements.

Our team

David Olds

Program Founder & Oversees International Program

David Olds is Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado Denver, where he directs the Prevention Research Center for Family and Child Health.  His work has focused on developing and testing in a series of randomized controlled trials a program of prenatal and infancy home visiting known as the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP).

Deirdre Webb Image

Deirdre Webb

NFP Global Director

 Deirdre Webb will be taking up the position of The Global Director for Nurse Family Partnership in October 2023. She is a nurse and has been a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse for the past 42 years. She led the implementation and establishment of Nurse Family Partnership / Family Nurse Partnership Programme in Northern Ireland (NI, her home country) thirteen years ago and have remained the Clinical Lead for the programme ever since 2010. FNP has since become a successful core program in NI for our young mothers and their babies. As NFP Global Director, Deirdre will be responsible for developing strategic direction and expansion of NFP and ensuring that NFP Global Collaborative Network is working effectively to maintain quality of NFP in all implementing countries.

Gail Radford-Trotter

NFP International Consultant

Gail is an International Consultant for the implementation of the Nurse-Family Partnership program, currently working primarily with Australia and Canada. Gail was previously the FNP Implementation Lead for Scottish Government and FNP Clinical Director Director, NHS Education, Scotland until April 2018. She provided clinical leadership in Scotland for almost 10 years and was also responsible for overseeing the quality of the education program and clinical implementation of the programme across the country. Gail has worked across NHS is a variety of backgrounds including research and education at two Scottish Universities and more latterly as a Chief Nurse in NHS Lothian Scotland.

Anna Lindberg

NFP International Program Coordinator

Anna recently received her Master of Public Health from the Colorado School of Public Health on the Anschutz Medical Campus. She works as a Research Services Professional with the PRC. Her public health interests include maternal child health related topics such as child maltreatment prevention strategies and family focused policy like paid parental leave. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in English from Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon.

Role of the Prevention Research Center for Family and Child Health (PRC) at the University of Colorado

  • Approves the license required for implementation of the program within a country
  • Undertakes long-term follow-up research of participants from the three original NFP randomized controlled trials
  • Conducts research aimed at improving and expanding the NFP program model
  • Establishes systems and processes needed to support high quality implementation of the NFP internationally
  • Provides international expert support and guidance for NFP implementing countries
  • Undertakes Annual Reviews of NFP implementation and fidelity with licensed partner countries for quality monitoring and assurance 

Learn more about the PRC here

Want to implement the NFP program in your country? Our Consultants can help